The National Asian Breast Cancer Initiative (NABCI) is launching its #asianbreastcancer social media campaign in October to increase advocacy for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

The purpose of the campaign is to bring to light the unique cultural, linguistic and biological challenges Asian women face related to breast cancer. Of all ethnic groups, Asian women in the U.S. are the least likely to get tested 1 but if they have lived in the US for more than a decade, their chances of getting breast cancer increase by 80% 2.

With a reach of over 18M people, a diverse group of influencers including the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Angry Asian Man, Kore Asian Media, Destination Luxury, Mochi Magazine and Yomyomf have agreed to support the NABCI #asianbreastcancer campaign as “Advocates”.

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Stephen Liu

There seems to be a persistent and pervasive misconception among medical professionals in the U.S. that “Asian women don’t get breast cancer”.  Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Asian American women. Cancer is the leading cause of death for female Asian Americans.

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Stephen Liu